Innovative Multi-Modal Control for Surveillance Spider Robot: An Integration of Voice and Hand Gesture Recognition
The spider robot is designed to take on challenging tasks in hazardous conditions. It can move across challenging terrain like walls and rough surfaces, and effectively find lost objects. In this paper, an innovative multi-modal control approach was developed for the Surveillance Spider Robot (SSR) application, integrating voice recognition and hand gesture recognition as control commands. SSR, a six-legged robot, was designed using a Raspberry Pi 4B embedded device, Arduino Uno kit, RC Servo motors (MG996R), 18650 batteries, mini USB microphone (MI-350), Pi camera V1 (OV5647) and PWM generator (PCA9685). The robot can be controlled through voice or hand gesture recognition captured via camera and microphone. SSR is capable of performing ten specific tasks based on these control commands, including forward movement, backward movement, left turns, right turns, complete turns, movements with higher or lower centers of gravity, slow movement, body-hopping, and stopping. The performance evaluation of voice and hand gesture recognition suggested that SSR can be used in real-world applications with an accuracy that exceeds 90% for the ten specific tasks.